Jackie McDowell - New Blood Medicine CDR (Wild Silence)
Jackie McDowell - New Blood Medicine digital album (Self-Released)
Jackie McDowell - Language Of The Birds CS (Hairy Spider Legs)
Jackie McDowell - Baptisia LP (Hairy Spider Legs)
Sun Cycles - Woods Creek Demos CDR (Biological Radio)
Inez Lightfoot/V.A. - Eternal Sounds of Winter CS (Sounds Eternal)
Inez Lightfoot - Sleep By Day and Fly By Night 2xCS (Northern Twilights)
Inez Lightfoot - Three Weaving at the Well reissue CS (No Kings)
Inez Lightfoot - Familiars LP (Digitalis)
Inez Lightfoot/V.A. - Shadow Colors and Maybe Insects CS (Watery Starve)
Inez Lightfoot/V.A. - Shadow Colors and Maybe Insects CS (Watery Starve)
Inez Lightfoot - Three Weaving at the Well CS (Biological Radio)
Inez Lightfoot - Live CS (Dial Square Tapes)
Sun Cycles - "Siskiyou Holies" CS split w/ Mohawk Park (Biological Radio)
Sun Cycles / Inez Lightfoot - s/t live split CS (Dumpster Diving Lab)
Inez Lightfoot - "Apogee and Perigee" cassingle (Discriminate)
Inez Lightfoot - Riverbottom Nightmare CS (Biological Radio)
Rivière Amur - The Songlines CS (Hooker Vision)
Sun Cycles - Home CS (Biological Radio)
Rivière Amur - Bois Flotté CS (I Had An Accident)Inez Lightfoot - The Ballad of Wandlimb 3" CDR (Kimberly Dawn)
Inez Lightfoot - Pollen on the Brow CS (Digitalis Ltd.)
WaterFinder - Cultivating a Void CDR (Biological Radio)
Inez Lightfoot - Gatherer CDR (Ruralfaune)
Inez Lightfoot - Nature Songs CS (Biological Radio)
Inez Lightfoot - Offering CS split w/ JSLPC (Stunned Records)
WaterFinder - The Good Heart CS split w/ Nite Lite (Stunned Records)
Inez Lightfoot s/t CS (Biological Radio)WaterFinder s/t CS split w/ Dark-UrrrU (Peasant Magik)
WaterFinder - The Third Road tour CDR (Biological Radio)